boucherouite moroccan rug: berber carpet

3458 lectures

410 € TTC
The Moroccan boucherouite rug are a magical colorful work of art, made by Berber women in Morocco. Boucherouite or Boucherwit is from Moroccan Arabic bu sherwit (a piece torn from pre-used vintage clothing scrap).

Boucherouite bohemian rugs are an incredibly beautiful and stunning way to add color and a ‘contemporary’ flair to your home decor. Each Moroccan boucherouite rug is made by hand, and completely unique from any rug you’ll ever find, which makes them very special.

The rug has extraordinary color and timeless design. It is delightfully irresistible and extravagant. Old clothes have new life as they are part of a fantasy, rug of rags. Everything is beautiful about the rag rug, it is a mix of happiness, splendor and divine creativity.

Some of the world’s most colorful rugs are Moroccan boucherouite rug. They have not only been most colorful but also most popular. We have an exciting range of these extravagantly colorful rugs. Similar to all Moroccan rugs, these rugs have an interesting story about their origin.