Taznakht rug , Berber carpet #1

3312 lectures

2500 € TTC
This carpet is a piece of art, and truly magnificent. Made with care and love, the Taznakhet rug is an artistic rug in wool is treated differently in order to get the best quality possible. this treasure took 9 months to be made.
Wool is considered a gift from heaven; It is attributed the gift of protecting man from evil forces.
From the mowing to the warping, the wool is treated with care and worked according to a very precise ritual that is transmitted from generation to generation.
Thus, after mowing, the wool is kept in a discreet corner of the house.
When washing the wool at the river, the weavers pronounce the words: “Wool as the wheat generates abundance”. As for dyeing, which changes the appearance of wool without modifying the main qualities of thermal insulation, resistance to use and visual and tactile comfort, it still obeys in some regions a precise ritual.